Family Stories: Parents talk about noticing that something's wrong
Social and Language Skills Observed by Parents

Christopher and Carmen describe how their son, Joseph's abilities are very uneven. Though he can do some tasks very quickly and adeptly, such as assembling toy train tracks, he lacks many basic life and social skills. Specifically, they describe Christopher's extreme difficulty transitioning between tasks, coping with frustration and using language in a functional, communicative way.
Videos in this family story
Dad had a Hard Time Accepting That His Son Had Autism
Warning Signs that Something was Wrong with Ryan
Mom's Early Warning Signs for Lucas
Search for a Diagnosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
Mother of Twins Observes Differences in Her Boys
A Mother Observes Early Warning Signs
Sometimes the Early Warning Signs Are Hard to See
Seeing and Interpreting Red Flags
Social and Language Skills Observed by Parents